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Opening Exercises

To start our semester in 3D Graphics, we are learning how to think more creatively and observe the world around us more carefully. We are also getting to know our classmates so that we can work collaboratively, our classroom so we can work effectively, and classroom routines so we can work efficiently.


Exercise 1 -


We started the semester with making name buttons. The two parameters we needed to consider were: 

1) Name you would like to be called by classmates for the semester.


2) Make legible from across the room so that people can learn your name.



3D Tennis Ball Creation

We turned 2 tennis balls into a work of art! We could use both, or just one. We could add lights, sound, or other surprising elements. We could paint it, cut it, glue things to it, drill into it, poke into it – be creative! We could make it stand on a pedestal or give it legs. We could make it hang. We were asked to consider all options. The end result should NOT be a functional object, but rather a transformation of the tennis ball(s) into an unexpected work of art.... we were asked to be PLAYFUL!!


First 3D Model

For our first attempt at building in Maxon's Cinema 4D, we worked on building a yellow submarine. Building this model helped us to understand and navigate Cinema 4D's workspace. We used "primitive shapes"to create the main body of the submarine, learned about splines to create the submarine's fins, extruded shapes, and deformed shapes. This exercise can be found on Cinema 4D's "Cineversity"help website:

Next, we will be using these skills to create 3D logos. 


screensaver challenge

Progress of what in the end could be seen as a flow of water.

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Rendered final version.

Halloween challenge

In this one day challenge we created a Pumpkin.

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